
Tango is a passionate dance

The tango originated in Argentina. It was a folk dance that was performed in the streets and bars. The history of the tango tells us that originally this dance was performed exclusively by men. Over time, it became a pair dance, and its striking feature since ancient times is a pronounced male style of leading. A woman is fully submissive to a man; she follows where her partner leads her, and the success of learning depends largely on how much she is ready to trust, open up, and be led.

The history of the development of dance distinguishes a variety of styles and types. The most common two of them – Argentine Tango and Tango European program of ballroom dancing.

Argentine Tango refers to the social dance, the essence of which is to be able to perform it with different partners, to enjoy the process, to communicate, to attend milongas – special meetings of admirers. Argentine tango is considered more authentic, refers to those dances that keep the old traditions in the music to which they are performed. As a rule, the background music here has a very specific and memorable sound. It cannot be confused with anything else, because it uses a limited set of musical instruments. It is enough to visit a milonga once, and you will immediately understand if you are attracted to this dance.

The second type of tango is a dance that is part of the European program of ballroom dancing. It is performed by professional and amateur athletes at competitions and contests. This tango is taught in schools and ballroom dance studios, and during his performance on the floor in front of the audience must be in special costumes. There are certain requirements for the European ballroom tango in the performance of certain elements. They are regulated and are mandatory for the dancers. Their correct execution is judged by the judges at dance competitions.

Many people, having mastered the first steps, want to learn how to dance tango at home. However, it is not always effective, because the opportunity to dance with an experienced partner or a professional teacher’s help is of great importance in understanding the nature of the dance. For harmonious performance of tango requires understanding partner’s needs; often when choosing a step or a turn a man improvises, and the task of a partner is to capture his desires exactly and follow them. This understanding can be achieved only with regular, sometimes even daily training. If you do not have the opportunity to attend a dance school, online lessons that will tell you how to learn the tango by yourself can help.